Ground mounted solar power plant: working, types, pros, and cons

How does a Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant Work?

Ground mounted solar power plants function similarly to rooftop solar systems. This includes absorbing the sunlight to generate an electric charge and then transferring it to the inverter through conductive wires.

If you want to produce solar energy on a large scale, you must choose solar panels with 72-cells.


The efficiency of a Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant

You would be amazed to know that a ground-mounted solar system generates more units of electricity than a rooftop system, even when they get equal sunlight. Want to know the reason behind this?

Well, for rooftop solar panels, the mounting structure is fixed. Therefore, it captures sunlight according to the sun’s position.

However, in ground-mounted panels, you construct the structure carefully with a tilt angle and orientation to maximise sunlight exposure.

In addition, you can also add a solar tracking device to this system to angle the panels towards the sun. Solar trackers move the panels so that they’re always perpendicular to the Sun. Hence, the efficiency is very high.

Types of Panels for Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant

Before you install a ground mounted solar power plant, it is crucial to understand what types of panels are available in the market.

Solar panel manufacturers keep upgrading the technology to provide efficient solutions to people. Presently there are three types of solar panels compatible with ground mounting solar systems. They are:

– Polycrystalline solar panel: It is made by melting the silicon and pouring it into a mould. This process is highly economical and reduces wastage during production. In addition, its efficiency is between 16-17%.

– Monocrystalline solar panel: This panel is made with pure silicon crystal. Therefore, it has an even texture and a uniform shape. By installing this panel in your solar system, you get nearly 19-20% efficiency. Moreover, this type of solar panel offers high durability.

– Bifacial solar panel: It is the most advanced technology for solar panels. It consists of silicon film that receives direct sunlight. On the other hand, the bottom part of the bi-facial solar panel also receives reflected sunlight from a white TPO roof or light-coloured roof.

The increased exposure to direct and reflected sunlight enables the solar system with these panels to produce more electricity. Generally, it offers the highest efficiency, up to 22%.

This solar panel is the most efficient for ground mounting solar systems. In addition, you can use single-axis and double-axis solar trackers in these panels to increase their efficiency further.

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